Check out the new video series on “Brands that Deliver”. This series, along with its companion blogs, highlights companies that deliver on branding best practices, and who produce bottom-line results, operate consciously and give back to their communities.
The first in our video series is an interview with entrepreneur Kara Romanik, Founder, and President of Mamie's Pies.
This video runs 24 minutes and is filled with tips and insights on starting a business, packaging, and branding tips. Grab a cup of coffee click on the video and learn about
Why Kara started
How Kara developed her brand, ended up as one of Oprah's Favorites, on QVC, and grew her business
How her packaging was developed
The power of a brand
How a brand strategy can get and keep you on track
How Mamie's Pies gives back
Kara's tips for entrepreneurs
Use this series to reflect on how YOUR brand does or does not deliver, and what you can do to achieve your company’s goals through more thoughtful and impactful branding.
How does your brand stand up?
Look for Laurie’s companion blog on Mamie's Pie's brand and more articles and videos in the series “Brands That Deliver".
Thanks for taking the time to read this article.
Need help?
>> Check out our Quick Start Branding Program.
>> Take the Brand Quiz.
>> For more
#8 Why you need an updated Brand Strategy? (Are you fumbling your brand? )

About Brands That Deliver™ and Laurie Pillings Rinker: Laurie is a brand and marketing consultant, an author, speaker, and podcaster. As principal of Brands That Deliver, she helps businesses grow through strengthening business strategies and brands. Read about her new brand at
Email Laurie at to find out how you can stimulate your own brand and revenues. You can also reach Laurie at 415-209-8659 for a free 20-minute consultation.

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